
来源:易贤网 阅读:1041 次 日期:2015-09-24 15:37:55



2. 作者读题时关注了哪些点?

3. 实际论述的时候,从什么角度和思维切入,思路是如何展开?

4. 括号内的英文表达和你尝试的英文表达有何不同?

文化类文章笔者将其划分为两类:一. 语言的同一化的话题;二. 文化新旧,异同产生的话题。


原因:在全球化的背景之下,经济文化科技快速发展,贸易更加频繁(close business relationship),交流日益密切(increasing mutual communicating),当地语言受到外来语言特别是通用语(franca lingua)的冲击,世界的文化多样性受到了影响(decrease cultural diversity)。但有些人认为,这种趋势利大于弊。

代表例题:Several languages are dying out every year. However, some people do not think it is important and claim that our life will be simpler with fewer languages. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

解题注意点:讨论话题-语言越来越单一(language shift/assimilation)是否需引起注意。可从两个角度出发:1. 支持语言多来越单一。2. 反对语言越来越单一。当然鉴于题目的问法,也可直接表态,就其中一个角度展开讨论。


支持越来越单一。语言单一,意味着国与国之间交流(improvecommunication) 更加便利(呼应了题目的simpler,作切题用),发展中国家可更好借鉴发达国家先进技术和经验(introduce and draw on advanced technology),最终促进各国间经济的繁荣,所以有必要(呼应题目)。

不支持越来越单一。语言是文化的一种体现(the representation of cultures)。反映当地人的思维习惯(mindsets),道德观(traditional moral principles)和文化财富(culturalpossessions)。语言单一意味着这些东西的丢失,最终可能造成国家社会凝聚力和创造力/多样性的削弱(social cohesion and creativity/diversity will be undermined), 而这些都是一个国家永葆独立兴盛的重要要素(important factors in sustaining an independent and prosperous nation)所以应当阻止语言单一 (呼应题目)。



从根源上去解决问题(tackle the root of problems)。比如加强本国语言和爱国教育(give more importance to native language and patriotic education),提高民族自豪感(raise the sense of pride)。

从制度上去避免问题(formulate and adopt policies to avoid problems)比如加强文化和媒体审查制度(strengthen censorship of the foreign media),过滤非法暴力色情内容(filter illegal violent and obscene contents)或带有政治利益的信息(views with political interests)。

通过激励措施去正确引导(incentive measures to lead to a disadvantageous position)。比如政府多鼓励本国优势文化产业(encourage the industrialization of indigenous cultures),繁荣该文化的发展(flourish the cultures)。


Do you think there is the necessity of creating a new global language? Give specific reasons and examples.

What are the reasons for losing a variety of languages and cultures?

At present many people think that one language should be used as the common language, but others think that by doing so the cultures of different nations will be lost.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.



代表题型:International travel often leads people to have some prejudices rather than broad-minded.What are the main reasons for this phenomenon? What do you think people can do to get better understanding of the countries they visit?

解题要点:1. 明确讨论主题:international travel,prejudices,注意broad-minded不是此题的讨论点,应避免答非所问; 2. 注意题目问法,要求给出原因和解决方案, 很多同学往往看到题目就写,结果写成prejudices导致的结果,造成偏题。


国际旅游意味着语言不通(language barriers)和文化差异(cultural differences), 比如人们在在购物中,有些国家接收讨价还价(bargain),有些国家这种行为不被广泛接受(not generally accepted),最终会造成人们之间一定的误解和冲突(cause misunderstanding and conflicts)(呼应题目)。

有些游客仅仅只是为了玩乐(for pleasure),所以缺乏对当地风俗习惯的了解(superficial understanding of local tradition and customs),比如触犯当地的禁忌(violate a local taboo)或使用不尊重的语言(disrespectful languages),结果导致偏见(呼应题目)。


从根源上去解决问题(tackle the root of problems):置身在当地的文化中(immerse themselves in the local culture),比如生活在当地,学习当地语言以及主动遵守规则(take an active role in obeying rules),从而与当地人培养好的人际关系(develop good relationship with the local)。

从制度上去避免问题(formulateand adopt policies to avoid problems)。通过法律法规(enact laws and regulations)规范所有人的行为(rule people’s behaviour and languages). 比如一旦发现有人使用侮辱性或攻击性语言(abusive and aggressive languages),人们有权寻求警察帮助(inform police of the truth and request help),维护自身权益(protect their own rights)。

通过激励措施去正确引导(incentive measures to lead to a disadvantageous position)。 通过加强两国之间的文化沟通,比如举办文化沙龙(culture salon)以及国际旅游节(international tourism festival),增进了解(deepen mutual understanding and build emotional ties)。




原因和影响:随着经济和科技的进步,人们的衣食住行方面都在发生着细微或显著变化(change or revolutionise people’s ways of living)。比如,人们有中国足彩网的闲置资金(disposable funds)来购买生活必需品(basic necessities)甚至奢侈品(luxury goods),从而开始奢侈的生活(lead a lavish life)而非过去简朴的生活(a frugal life),许多的人因此会感受到幸福(feel happiness),因为满足了人最基本的生理需求(physical needs)和精神需求(spiritual needs),当然还有小部分的人,实现了自我价值(self-realisation)。


谈到穿着,时尚体现的是一种审美观(perception of beauty)和想象力(imagination),从而打破陈旧(break the mould),丰富人们的精神生活(fulfill spiritual lives)和提高生活质量(improve living standards)。但是可能会造成社会群体社会特别是青少年过度追捧流行趋势,导致传统服饰(traditional costumes)的不被重视,甚至该行业的衰退(fall behind)。

快餐食物因为高卡路里(high in calories, salt and fast),从而容易引发肥胖(lead to obesity),导致不健康的身体状况(poor physical condition),但是不可否认,它们能够丰富烹饪方法(traditional recipes)以及带来生活的便利(improve convenience);

关于现代建筑,它们能够解决人口膨胀(population expansion)的问题,而且有可能更加适宜居住(liveable), 但因此可能造成历史意义(historical significance)和文化根基(cultural root)的丢失;比如说一些传统历史遗迹的破坏(the destruction of some historical constructions)。


We live in cities or towns which have museums displaying objects of historical and cultural importance, but people do not visit them. How do you think people do not visit museums in their local areas? What is the importance of museums to society?

Modern buildings are appearing in large numbers, some people believe that we should build out buildings in traditional styles. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

What are your opinions about the advantages and disadvantages of “fast food” and “traditional food”?

Nowadays,the trend of fashion changes very rapidly, and gradually people become the slaves of it. Some people think that a person should choose comfortable clothes, which he or she likes, regardless of fashion. Do you agree or disagree?


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