
手机控制了我们 Mobile Phones Control Us
来源:易贤网 阅读:1212 次 日期:2016-05-09 16:10:17
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Since the invention of the mobile phones, our life has changed greatly. Mobile phones facilitate our life, we can not only keep in touch with our friends and families, but also can search the Internet any time. A lot of people count on mobile phone so much, they feel like missing something if they leave it.


When we walk on the street, we can find that people are lowing down their heads and look at their mobile phones all the time. Most people have such experience, they feel the vibration from their phones, but when they take out the phones and check on them, there is no message. It is their wrong feeling.

当我们走在大街上,我们可以发现人们在低着头,看自己的手机。大多数人都有这样的经验,他们觉得手机在振动,但当他们拿出手机来检查, 发现没有消息。这是他们的错误感觉。

It seems that our life has been controlled by the scientific machine. We let the phone dominate our life without realizing it. We start to ignore the communication with our friends face to face, we choose to chat online.


Let’s drop the mobile phone for a while and enjoy the moment with our families, to enjoy the things around us.


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