
来源:大连教育局 阅读:2486 次 日期:2016-05-24 17:21:30

1. 必修1 Module 2 Reading and vocabulary ( The title of the text: My new teachers )

2. 必修1 Module 3 Introduction ( Vocabulary and speaking )

3. 必修1 Module 3 Reading and vocabulary

( The title of the text: My First Ride on a Train )

4. 必修1 Module 4 Reading and vocabulary

( The title of the text: A Lively City )

5. 必修1 Module 4 Grammar 1 & Grammar 2

6. 必修2 Module 1 Vocabulary and reading

( Zhou Kai (1) Zhou Kai (2) )

7. 必修2 Module 1 Cultural Corner

8. 必修2 Module 2 Introduction

( Vocabulary and speaking )

9. 必修2 Module 2 Grammar 1

( The infinitive of purpose )

10.必修2 Module 2 Cultural Corner

(Stop Smoking Now—We Can Help!)

11.必须2 Module 3 Reading and vocabulary

12. 必修2 Module 4 Introduction

( Vocabulary and speaking )

13. 必修2 Module 4 Reading ( Passage A---C)

14. 必修2 Module 4 Grammar 2

(-ing form as subject )

15. 必修2 Module 5 Introduction

( Vocabulary and speaking )

16. 必修2 Module 5 Reading and vocabulary

17. 必修2 Module 5 Listening, speaking and writing

18. 必修3 module 1 Reading and vocabulary(The title of the text: Europe )

19. 必修3 Module 4 Reading and vocabulary

20. 必修3 module 5 Introduction(vocabulary and speaking)

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