
来源:易贤网 阅读:905 次 日期:2014-12-04 13:56:30


我喜欢。I like it.How's your new job? (你的新工作怎么样?)I like it. (我很喜欢。)

我最爱吃比萨饼。I love pizza. *女性常用love表示“很喜欢”。I live for pizza. (没有比萨饼我几乎活不下去。)Pizza is the greatest. (比萨是最好吃的。)

我喜欢这套衣服。I like this dress.I like this dress. (我喜欢这套衣服。)So do I. (我也喜欢。)I think this dress is nice.I think this dress is pretty.

你满意你的新车吗?Are you pleased with your new car? *be pleased with… 表示“看中……,喜欢……”。Are you satisfied with your new car? *be satisfied with…“对……满意”。Are you happy with your new car? *be happy with…“对……感到满意”。

我喜欢这茶。I'm fond of this tea. *be fond of… “喜欢……”。

比起咖啡来我更喜欢红茶。I prefer tea to coffee. *prefer … to …“比起……更喜欢……”,用于与某事物做比较时。I'd rather have tea than coffee. (与其喝咖啡不如喝红茶。)I like tea better than coffee.I like tea more than coffee.

我对……上瘾。I'm hooked on… *hook“用钩钩住”,be hooked on 表示“对……入迷”。You shouldn't smoke so much. (你不该抽那么多的烟。)I know, but I'm hooked on nicotine. (我知道,但是我已经对尼古丁上瘾了。)I'm addicted to…

我喜欢喝西红柿汤。Tomato soup is my cup of tea. *常用于日常生活中,带些诙谐语气的表达方式。cup of tea是“喜欢的东西、对劲的东西”。

我非常喜欢吃日本食品。I've developed a great liking for Japanese food.

我这人很挑剔。I'm choosy. *choosy “爱挑剔的,过于讲究的”。I'm picky.

我开始喜欢吃寿司了。I came to like sushi.I've started to like sushi.I've come to like sushi.

简越来越让我喜欢。Jane has grown on me.

棒球越来越吸引我了。Baseball grew on me.Do you like baseball? (你喜欢打棒球吗?)Baseball grew on me as I grew older. (年纪越大,越喜欢棒球了。)Baseball has grown on me.

看上去挺好玩的。This will be fun!It's our turn on the roller coaster. (该轮到我们玩过山车了。)This will be fun. (一定很好玩。)*roller coaster “过山车”。It looks like fun.

真令人兴奋!This is exciting!This is exciting. We'll be parents soon. (这真令人激动。我们就要做父母了。)I can't wait. (我都等不及了。)This is thrilling!

我很感兴趣。I'm interested.My hobby is chess. Are you interested in learning? (我的爱好是下国际象棋,你有兴趣学吗?)Yes, I'm interested. (嗯,有兴趣。)

我很满足。I'm satisfied.Do you want more? (你还要点儿吗?)No, I'm satisfied. (不,已经够了。)I'm content.I'm pleased.

我很欣赏它。I enjoyed it.That movie was great. (那部电影真棒。)I enjoyed it, too. (我也很欣赏它。)I had a good time.It was really fun.

我被深深地感动了。I was deeply moved. *move用来表示“使……感动,使……动心”。

我不喜欢这个。I don't like it.How about this one? (这个怎么样?)No, thank you, I don't like it. (谢谢,我不喜欢。)I like it. (我喜欢。)

我最讨厌这个了。I hate it! *比I don't like it更强调讨厌的心情。Do you like natto? (你喜欢吃纳豆吗?)No, I hate it! (不,我最讨厌它了。)I love it! (我很喜欢!)

这个真恶心。This is disgusting. *disgusting 表示“很过分,让人恶心,厌弃”。This is disgusting. (这个真恶心!)It's the worst food I've ever had. (这是我所吃过的最恶心的东西。)

啐!Yuck! *用于感到实在恶心时,或引起不快时。Look at the cockroach! (看那蟑螂!)Yuck! (啐!)

臭死了!Peeyew! *用于感到气味很臭时,表示“真难闻”、“这味真臭”。

我不喜欢你的这种态度。It's your attitude I don't like.You have an attitude problem. (你的态度有问题。)I don't like your attitude. (我不喜欢你的态度。)

我对他恨之入骨。I hate his guts. *guts “肠子”。hate someone's guts是“连……的肠子都讨厌、憎恨”,表达强烈的厌恶、憎恨之情。He's so rude. (他如此野蛮。)I agree. I hate his guts. (就是,我对他恨之入骨。)I despise him. (我真看不起他。)

我不喜欢。I don't care for it.Do you like the coffee? (你爱喝咖啡吗?)No, I don't care for it. (不,我不爱喝。)I don't like it.

看见他就心烦。I can't stand him. *stand “忍耐,忍受,容忍”。Here comes my boss, Mr. Smith. (过来的那位是我的老板史密斯先生。)I can't stand him. (我看见他就心烦。)

别再有第二次!Never again!

我已经受够了!I've had it.


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