
来源:易贤网 阅读:820 次 日期:2014-12-11 13:26:28

1.The sooner you realize things will never be the same again, the sooner you can move on. 沧海桑田,物是人非。你能越快意识到这点,你就能越快重新开始。

2.I'll never mind the past from now on, no matter how sorrowful or wonderful it was. Life comes and goes with nothing. 我从此再不提起过去,痛苦或幸福,生不带来,死不带去。

3.She likes him.He likes her.Everyone knows, except them. 她喜欢他。他喜欢她。所有人都知道,除了他们自己。

4.How much you put into a relationship determines how much it will hurt when it ends. 一段感情里,你付出了多少,在结束的时候,就决定了你有多伤。

5.If you are not here, to whom is my happiness gonna show? 如果你都不在了,我要幸福给谁看。

6.When the world says, "Give Up!" Hope whispers," Try it one more time"当全世界都要我放弃, 还是期待有人轻语一声: 再试一次。

7.Eternity is not a distance but a decision. 永远不是一种距离,而是一种决定。

8.I,who loves you,have been really tired along the way. 这一路,爱你的我,真的累了。

9.Will we at last forget ourselves result from the continuous affectation.我们会不会终有一天在不断地假装里,忘记自己。

10.When every love comes to the end, if you look back, u will find flowers and sorrows, but it's always beautiful.~~~ 每段爱情在走向终结时,倒带回去,一路上或花草鲜美,或落英缤纷,而最初总是倾心的。

11.You leave me memories, like a rainbow. I open the hands, but only embrace caught the breeze.你留给我的回忆,就像彩虹。我张开双手,却只拥住了风。

12.Something you said kept me up all night. 你说的一些话,让我彻夜不眠。

13.When you need someone to listen, I'll be there. When you need a hug, I'll be there.When you need someone to wipe your tears, guess what? I'll be there。当你需要倾诉,我就在这里;当你需要一个温暖的拥抱,我就在这里;当你需要有人为你擦去伤心的泪水,我就在这里。

14.Let your past make you better, not bitter. 让曾经把你变得更好,而不是更痛苦。

15.I don't know how to be someone that you would miss. 我不知道怎么才能变成你会想念的那种人。

16.I missed you but I missing you. I missing you but I missed you .I see you but I seeing you . I seeing you but I see you. 明明已经错过你,但我却还在想念你。当我想念你的时候,但我不能再拥有你。明明已经别离,却又再次相遇。当我们再次相遇时,却不得不说再见。

17.If one day, you will leave me, I will choose silence, because your happiness is more important than my.如果某一天,你要离开我,我会选择沉默,因为你的幸福比我的挽留重要多了。


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