Internet Cafes Close Ahead of Exams in China
(BEIJING) — Teenagers tempted by computer games when they should be studying for the national college entrance exam this month won't have anywhere to escape to in central China, where Internet cafes have closed.
Focus on Study:High school seniors gearing up for the massive national college entrance exams in Linchuan in China's central province of Jiangxi have been able to focus only on studying now that all of the town's Internet cafes have closed, said an official with the Linchuan culture affairs bureau, who refused to give his name as is common with Chinese officials.
"During this critical period, our goal is to create an educational society for students that is free of distractions," the official said. "Besides Internet cafes, there's not much else in town the kids can waste time with."
Fierce Competition:Each year, millions of students take the two-day test on a wide range of subjects, which is the sole determinant of their entry into university. Only about 25 percent of them get into university and the vast majority of those who don't make the cut go straight into the work force.
This year, about 9.5 million students are expected to take the exam on June 7 and 8, a slight dip from 10.2 million last year, according to a report posted on the website of the Communist Party newspaper People's Daily.
The immense pressure — which families share, often waiting anxiously at hotels during exams — has prompted Ministry of Education officials to consider reforming the generations-old tradition.
Subject-specific Tests:China announced plans earlier this year to allow students to take subject-specific tests and introduce other measures besides the exam, such as considering leadership and volunteer experience, to ease the stress the students undergo as they compete for coveted spots in colleges.
Cheating:Cheating is also common during the tests. About 2,200 students were caught last year using wireless mini earplugs and other electronic devices that feed in answers.
今年是高考报名人数连续第二年出现较大幅度下降:This year, about 9.5 million students are expected to take the exam on June 7 and 8, a slight dip from 10.2 million last year, according to a report posted on the website of the Communist Party newspaper People's Daily. 人民日报报道称,七、八月份的考试人数大约为950万,和去年的1020万相比,有了一定的下降。
中国青年报报道称,高考生源在减少,招生计划却在增加,有人提出,高考的压力是不是因此有可能降低。教育部考试中心主任戴家干认为,那纯粹是一种理想化的想法。高考是全国统一的选拔性考试,“只要有选拔,就会有竞争”。 Only about 25 percent of them get into university and the vast majority of those who don't make the cut go straight into the work force. 毕竟只有百分之二十五的考生可以进入大学,而其他的考生只能参加工作。Each year, millions of students take the two-day test on a wide range of subjects, which is the sole determinant of their entry into university. 每年,成千上万寒窗苦读十年的莘莘学子奔赴“战场”,在两天内要测试各类科目,但这却是独一的进入大学的机会。今年,虽然高校招生计划有所增加,但增加的多数是高职和独立学院的招生计划,重点高校的招生计划一直保持稳定。戴家干指出:整个社会正处于由温饱型向发展型阶段过渡,老百姓的观念从“有学上”转到“上好学”,这种愿望和要求是完全可以理解的,也是符合时代发展趋势的。因此,高考录取率提高,这意味着学生“读大学”更容易了,但读“好大学”的竞争依然十分激烈。
虽然这些年高考的录取率节节攀升,但是外国人眼中的中国高考依然紧张的令人畏惧。英国独立报说,中国考生在高考中所承受的压力足以让英国或者世界上任何其他国家的孩子崩溃。如果在这场考试中失败,那就意味着将在中国社会里失去一个安全的位置。印度每日新闻与分析则给中国高考一个颇为有趣的称呼,叫“考试之母”,说这是一场全世界最大、最紧张的考试。美国华尔街日报把6月7日称为令千万考生紧张不安的一天。The immense pressure — which families share, often waiting anxiously at hotels during exams…除了考生之外,家长们也在考试期间焦急地等候在酒店,承受着巨大的压力。虽然报名高考的考生人数连续两年下降,但不意味着通往象牙塔顶端的路更容易走了,竞争依然激烈。
Given the intense pressure, it's not surprising that some critics are beginning to wonder whether the gaokao's shortcomings will outweigh its benefits. Would you agree or disagree with this opinion? Why?
Do you think students should be totally free of distractions ahead of exams in China?
What can be done to help students to focus on studying?
As China's economy booms, job competition has become ferocious — and the pressure to land a prestigious degree can be unbearable.
job competition工作竞争
Students who perform superlatively can expect to be courted by the nation's top schools; the rest find spots in provincial universities or two- and three-year colleges.
superlatively 最高地
top school 重点学校
provincial university 地方大学
For the 40 percent of test-takers who fail, there's always next year — or enrollment at one of China's less-selective private institutions.
enrollment 入学
private institution私立机构
Educators increasingly view the exam as the centerpiece of an outmoded teaching model that emphasizes rote learning — and fosters a fatal lack of creativity for Chinese workers in an increasingly global marketplace.
teaching model教育模式
emphasize 强调
rote learning 机械学习
global marketplace 全球市场