
来源:易贤网 阅读:1082 次 日期:2015-02-26 13:35:30

剑桥雅思7-第四套试题-口语部分-Part 3真题部分:

PART 3 Discussion topics:

Technology and housework

Example questions:

What kinds of machine are used for housework in modern homes in your country? How have these machines benefited people? Are there any negative effects of using them? Do you think all new homes will be equipped with household machines in the future? Why?

Technology in the workplace

Example questions:

What kinds of equipment do most workers need to use in offices today?

How have developments in technology affected employment in your country?

Some people think that technology has brought more stress than benefits to employed people nowadays. Would you agree or disagree? Why?

PART 3真题解析



Technology and housework

1. What kinds of machine are used for housework in modern homes in your country?


用举例子的方法可以容易回答出来,如洗衣机(washing machine),吸尘器(vacuum cleaner),电饭煲(rice cooker)等等。

I would have to say washing machine, vacuum cleaner, rice cooker, coffee maker, electric kettle, air conditioner, furnace, etc. Those would be the ones I couldn't live without or I mean wouldn't want to do without.

washing machine洗衣机 vacuum cleaner吸尘器

rice cooker电饭煲 coffee maker咖啡壶,咖啡机

electric kettle电热水壶 furnace炉子

2. How have these machines benefited people? Are there any negative effects of using them?



With the aid of electrical equipment, we are able to work quickly and efficiently. It makes our life easier and convenient. However, there are some disadvantages of using electrical equipment. People will become totally dependent on equipment and not to do things they could do themselves. Sometimes using electrical equipment might be quite expensive because it will consume large amount of electricity. Lastly, people could get electrocuted if using them carelessly, which happens every year.

aid帮助 dependent依赖的,依靠的

electrocute触电,电击 consume消耗,花费

3. Do you think all new homes will be equipped with household machines in the future? Why?






Electricity has truly become the lifeblood of our society. Right now we can't live without electrical devices because we rely on them to make our life easier. Many of us have become addicted to what can be done with indoor plumbing, the Internet and cell phones. All homes without household machines is possible but it would take a lot of adjusting. We'd have to buy all the non-electric tools to make life workable—wood / cook stove, build an outdoor ice box, dig a well to keep food cool, and top it off with lots of patience, as nothing is fast and easy in a non-electrical world.

lifeblood血液 electrical devices电子设备

addicted to对……上瘾 indoor plumbing家用工具

ice box冰箱

Technology in the workplace

1. What kinds of equipment do most workers need to use in offices today?



I think people at work rely much on modem technology, especially computer and Internet. Many people can't spell some words right because they are too used to the Office Software which provides users with the spelling check. They can also use Internet to collect data and information and analyze them. Modem equipment provides all kinds of resources which will be of great help to people's work.

Office Software办公软件 spelling check拼写检查

collect data搜集数据

2. How have developments in technology affected employment in your country?




Technology has allowed computers and machinery to replace manpower. Also, it has made it easier to do some labour intensive jobs with fewer hours. I think it eliminated jobs via increased productivity and made work safer in many areas of industry. For example, a lot of welding on cars is done by robots, which was done by people in the past.

machinery机器 manpower人力

labour intensive劳力密集的 eliminate去除,消除

productivity生产力 welding焊接

3. Some people think that technology has brought more stress than benefits to employed people nowadays. Would you agree or disagree? Why?



Yes, I do think so. There used to be plenty of mindless, repetitive and mechanical jobs in all three sectors of the economy, and lots of unskilled people who have to do them. However, with the development of computers and robotics, these people are now substituted by modern technology and are facing the threat of job security. As far as I know, there has been a huge number of people who've been made redundant because their jobs are rather routine and can be done by cold machines.

mindless不用脑子的 repetitive重复的

mechanical机械的 unskilled无技能的

robotics机器人技术 substitute取代,代替

redundant多余的 routine一成不变的


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