
琼恩雪诺回来了 Jon Snow Is Coming Back
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The American TV series Game of Thrones is the hottest one around the world. In its last season, the director left the fans a great riddle, which catches the audience’s attention all the time. The most welcomed character Jon Snow seemed to be dead in the last season, the fans were so upset that this charater would not come back again. What’s more, the director and the producers told the fans that Jon Snow was dead without question. But the fans still kept the hope that their beloved character would come back, for he was so important in the story. As the new season has come back recently, the answer of Jon Snow’s fate has been exposed, he was coming back by the magic. The fans were so happy about it and the director and actors felt sorry to keep it as a secret, for they wanted the fans to keep their eyes on it.

美国电视剧《权力的游戏》是全世界最热门剧集。在上季中,导演给粉丝留下了一个很大的谜,吸引观众着的注意力。最受欢迎的人物琼恩雪诺似乎在上季中死掉,粉丝们感到非常沮丧,担心这个人物不会再回来。更重要的是,导演和制片人告诉粉丝们,琼恩雪诺毫无疑问是死了。但粉丝们仍然抱着他们心爱的角色会回来的希望,因为他对于这个故事来说是如此的重要。随着新季最近回归,琼恩雪诺命运的答案已经揭晓,他被魔术救回来了。粉丝们非常开心,导演和演员为隐瞒这个事实而感到抱歉 ,因为他们想让粉丝们保持关注度。

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