
保护私人信息 Protect Private Information
来源:易贤网 阅读:94352 次 日期:2017-11-30 14:21:38
温馨提示:易贤网小编为您整理了“保护私人信息 Protect Private Information”,方便广大网友查阅!

Nowadays, with the popularity of Internet social software, many people like to post their daily schedules on the Internet, especially the teenagers, they want to catch more people’s attention. As the face to face talk is no longer the main way to make friends for the young generation, they get to know a person by being friends online, and then keep trace with the former information, then more private information will be found. As the exposure of privacy has been more serious and many teenagers haven’t realized the danger. Once the news reported a man kidnapped a girl by getting the information from her account. The girl liked to share her daily information, so the criminal guy got her schedule easily. This attacking incident happens all the time. We should learn to protect our private information. Never post the real details online.


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