
论旅行 Of Traveling
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More and more people now show their great interests in traveling, because traveling can bring us a lot of benefits.


To begin with, having worked hard for a few months, traveling can release us from high pressure. More importantly, traveling can help us acquire more knowledge. No matter how many books we have read, there is still plenty of knowledge for us to learn from traveling, like history, culture, custom, and geography of the places we visit. By the way, through traveling, we can meet many new friends and taste different kinds of delicious food.


While some people are not interested in traveling at all, since traveling will cost a great deal of money on transportation and accommodation, and they may feel tired after sightseeing as well.


As far as I’m concerned, the advantages of traveling are more than its disadvantages, so if our time and finance permit, we can travel to some nice places every year, in order to make our life more colorful and vivid.


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