
苹果不再是最畅销手机 Iphone Is No Longer the Best Seller
来源:易贤网 阅读:1240 次 日期:2017-03-14 17:07:12
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Iphone is always the best seller in the world market. Especially in China, so many young people are proud to have one at hand, which means they are in the fashion trend. The news even reported a guy sold his kidney just for collecting enough money to buy an iphone. It is true that iphone has the advanced technology and the system always works better than other smart phones’. But recently, the media made a report about the best seller on cellphone, to everyone’s surprise, the winner of all the time has come to second place and the new winner is Oppo. We are happy that foreign product is not the customers’ first choice, and they start to choose domestic products, which shows the improvement of our technology. We are so proud of the improvement, someday, there will be more homemade products.


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