A: Lorna has a special craft. She’s able to mold figures out of clay.
B: She should go into business – you’ve got the money, she’s got the skill.
A: Lorna有个绝活儿,他会捏泥人。
B: 她应该去做生意——你有钱,她有手艺。
A: My husband has absolutely no faculty whatsoever for manual work. He doesn’t know how to fix anything.
B: It’s a good thing that you’ve got plenty of manual dexterity. You can make repairs to the house and he can do the housework.
A: 我老公对动手的活儿一窍不通,什么都不会修。
B: 好在你的手很巧。你可以做家里维修的活,他来做家务。
craft: 特殊的技能;技巧;手艺。
faculty: 才能,本领;技能;智能;身体生来就有的技能。
dexterity: (手或身体的)灵巧,娴熟,敏捷。
mold: 捏制;使成形。
figure: 人物;人的外形。
manual: 手的;用手操作的
whatsoever: 不管,不论。